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Child Psychologist – What Does it do? Functions, Techniques, and More

Child Psychologist

What does a Child Psychologist do?

The child psychologist is in charge of evaluating and diagnosing children and adolescents. It is the professional trainer to diagnose developmental disorders of a psychological environment that may appear in this evolutionary period, from autism to learning difficulties

Functions of the Child Psychologist

Psychological intervention for children requires evaluation and intervention techniques that are very different from those used with adults. The child psychologist must have in-depth knowledge of various areas and Child Psychopathologies, such as Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, or Neurology. All these areas are included in the UNIR Degree in Psychology.

Psychological evaluation specific to children’s problems

The psychological evaluation process with children is different from that carried out with adults in several aspects. The first is that the psychometric instrumentation must be specific to the child’s age and her problem. The psychologist needs to verify, before treatment, the level of neurodevelopment of the child. In addition, he must take into account that work times are shorter since they are more prone to exhaustion and loss of attention.

Group therapy with children and adolescents

In addition to individual therapeutic intervention, it is prevalent for the child psychologist to conduct group therapy as a complementary intervention method to the first. For example, these support groups work very well with adolescents who suffer from addiction problems, eating disorders or victims of bullying.

Group therapy has excellent therapeutic benefits for the youngest since peers are a great social reference. In addition, it helps them develop good social and communication skills, empathize, resolve conflicts and, above all, learn from the experiences of others. However, group therapy with adolescents also carries specific difficulties. The psychologist must not only gain the trust of the group but must also create a positive, respectful climate that facilitates interaction.

School for Families

Many private and public primary and secondary educational centers request child and adolescent psychological offices to run counselling programs.  For The families outside of school hours. These classes for parents, led by child psychologists, aim to advise and train families in skills that help them solve and meet emotional needs of their children.

The topics covered in these consultations are focused on the most common problems that arise for parents during the upbringing and education of children. For example, parents of young children are taught the keys to making their children more autonomous, getting into a study routine, helping out with chores, or how to deal with behavior problems.

Educational Orientation

Many of the cases that come to the consultation of a child psychologist are related to the school context: children who suffer from learning difficulties . Who show signs of school phobia or have been victims of bullying. Typically, these are adolescents who feel unmotivated to study. And another option are lost as to how to approach their academic future. But it is also common for parents to turn to this expert to request educational guidance for their child.

Psychological Techniques For Psychologist Child

The communication skills of the little ones are minimal, not to mention their difficulties in identifying and expressing their emotions. Therefore, this represents a significant challenge for the child psychologist and a good knowledge. The specific psychological techniques to work with the little ones.

The most common resources in child therapy are play, drawing, body expression and staging. Techniques such as the token economy, behavioral contracts. And other ways the “time out” technique are also uses as intervention methods to reinforce and model behaviors.

The importance of child psychology

Childhood is the most beautiful stage of the human being because it is loyal to joy, fun and happiness.  But it’s not always like that, dear mom, so you should prepare yourself and know about the importance of child psychology to help your little one face adversity.

All mothers wish our treasures a  happy childhood in which they can smile, be safe, calm and carefree. But the reality is that children also experience. Problems and difficulties that require emotional help.

The first stage of our children’s lives is crucial. And depending on what happens in it, it will mark their lives in later stages. For this reason, it is necessary to give the required importance to your emotional health.


Psychology focuses on studying behavior, child psychology is responsible for checking the child’s behavior from birth to adolescence. This branch of psychology focuses on physical, motor, cognitive, perceptual, affective and social development.

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