Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and counsellor tumours. At low doses, radiation is use in x-rays to see inside your body, as with x-rays of your teeth or damaged bones.

 Radiation Therapy- Goals

Whenever, Radiation oncologists use  to destroy cancer cells and slow tumour growth, while limiting the harm to nearby healthy tissue. Sometimes, doctors praise process of  as the first cancer treatment.

People accept after surgery or therapies using the medication, like chemotherapy. This is called adjuvant therapy. It targets cancer cells remaining after the early treatment.

When it is impossible to destroy all cancer, doctors may use radiation therapy to shrink tumours and relieve symptoms. This is calls comforting radiation therapy. Palliative, may reduce pressure, pain, and other indicators. The objective is to improve a person’s quality of life.

More than half of people with cancer receive some radiation therapy. For some cancers, process alone is actual treatment.

Other types of cancer respond best to combination treatments, using more than one treatment for a patient’s treatment plan. For instance, this may comprise radiation therapy plus surgery, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy.

It is uses high-energy x-rays or other elements to destroy cancer cells. A doctor specialising in radiation therapy to delight cancer is call a radiation oncologist.

How does radiation therapy for cancer work?

Radiation therapy kills cancer cells or slows their growth by damaging their DNA at high doses cancer cells whose DNA is irreparably damaged stop dividing or die. When hurt cells die, they break down and are discarded by the body.

Radiation therapy does not immediately kill cancer cells. Days or weeks of treatment are required before the DNA is damaged enough for the cancer cells to die. The cancer cells then die weeks or months after radiation therapy ends.

Types of radiation therapy

Radiation Therapy

There are two key types of radiation therapy, external beam and internal radiation therapy.

You may need depends on many factors, such as:

  • the type of cancer
  • the size of the tumour
  • The location of the tumour in the body
  • How close the tumour is to normal radiation-sensitive tissues
  • Your general health and medical history
  • Whether you will have other types of cancer treatment
  • Other factors, such as your age and other medical conditions

External Beam Therapy

It approaches a machine that focuses radiation on your cancer. The device is large and can be noisy. It doesn’t touch you, But it can move around you and sends radiation to a part of your body from many directions. This  therapy is a limited treatment that treats a specific amount of your body. For example, if you have cancer in your lung, you will have radiation to your chest, not your whole body.

Internal Therapy

This is a treatment where the radiation source, put inside your body. The radiation basis can be solid or liquid.

It trustworthy source call brachytherapy. Like external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy is a local treatment and treats only an exact part of the body.

Whenever, In this type of treatment, seeds, ribbons, or capsules contain a radiation source placed in the body at or near the tumour.

Dose limits in life

Whenever, There is a limit to the amount of radiation that an area of your body can safely receive in your lifetime. Depending on how much radiation a site has already been treat with, you may not be able to have the  same process to that area a second time.

Whenever, if one area of the body has already received a safe dose of radiation for life, another location could still be treat if the distance between the two regions is excellent enough.

Can cause side effects this Radiation?

However, Radiation kills or slows the growth of cancer cells. However. it can also move nearby healthy cells. Harm to healthy cells can reason side effects.

How much does it cost?

It can be expensive. It uses difficult machines and involves the services of many medical providers. The exact cost of is depends on the cost of health care where you live, the kind of radiation therapy you receive, and how many treatments you need.

Whenever, Talk to your health insurance company about the services it will pay for. The greatest insurance plans pay for radiation therapy.


Whenever, Radiation can cause side effects that make eating hard, Such as nausea, mouth ulcers, and throat problems calls esophagitis. It schedule, usually contains a specific number of treatments given over a set period. However, your body uses a lot of energy to heal during this treatment ,you must eat enough calories and protein to maintain your weight during treatment.