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Nutrient –  Definition, Types, Importance, and More


Nutrient Definition

Nutrient every time you eat a foo your whole body starts to assimilate, transform and take advantage of its nutrients. Substances that allow you to live. Although there are foods that are more complete than others, no single product can provide us with all the nutrients that we need. Only a healthy, varied and balancing diet will.

Therefore, the key to healthy eating is variety and balance. This is the only way to ensure that all food groups and the necessary amounts of nutrients are consume.

Types Of Nutrients

Nutrients can be essential (the body cannot synthesize them on its own and we must acquire them through food) or non-essential (our body produces them from other components ).Depending on their proportion, they are divided into macronutrients or micronutrients . The former occupy most of the food and are consumed in grams. They are carbohydrates (sugar, bread, pasta, vegetables, fruit, cereals, legumes, etc.); proteins (meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes…), fats or lipids (oils, seeds, nuts, milk and derivatives).

Micronutrients, on the other hand, are taken in micrograms . In this collection, we find vitamins and minerals. The main source is fruits, vegetables and meat, although we also acquire them from most foods.

Water is another essential nutrient, without which we could not live and that helps all the physiological processes of the body to take place. Nutrient not only hydrates, but also regulates body temperature, helps nutrients reach the cells or controls blood pressure.

Nutrition of The Basic Purposes Of are

Function, Nutrients are classify into

Energy Nutrients: They provide the energy that the body needs to function. Macronutrients are the main source of energy. These include carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, proteins.

Plastic Nutrients: Nutrients are involved in the construction of body structures , maintenance and repair of tissues. Proteins and mineral salts belong to this group .

Regulatory Nutrients: They participate in the regulation processes of the organism. They are vitamins and minerals. The Best Dentist in UAE, these nutrients help to keep your gums, and teeth healthy.

Nutrients: The Importance Of Essential  in the Body

Our body needs a continuous supply of energy and exchange of nutrients to be able to live. This biological process to survive is carry out from three factors, respiration, absorption of nutrients and excretion.

Food or nutrition is the absorption of nutrients through obtaining food either of natural origin or through processing  products. Any food has a variable amount of nutrients, in addition to many other substances that can be artificially added to improve the nutritional qualities, so it has different nutritional qualities. The human being needs a daily variety of nutrients to have a healthy life.

The Functions Of Nutrients in the Body

There is a wide variety of nutrients in the external environment and each one has its own function, so a balance and natural diet is recommend so that our body does not lack anything. As we have already seen, a nutrient has the main function of providing us with life, providing us with energy and heat, maintaining bodily processes and functions and ensuring the good growth and functionality of our organism. Nutrients are organized into various categories depending on their function.


Its main function is the supply of energy to the cells of our body. Two types are distinguished:

Simple Carbohydrates, Or Fast Absorption : They are found in fruits, dairy products, sugar and its derivatives. Its most common forms are glucose, sucrose and lactose.

Complex Carbohydrates, Or Slow Absorption : They are found in bread, flour, legumes, pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes and in foods rich in vegetable fibers.

However, during the digestion of carbohydrates, we obtain glucose, a nutrient that the cells of our body use to produce and burn energy. Glucose is the fuel for our brain and heart, as well as being necessary for certain cells, neurons and the liver. Without glucose our life would not be possible

However, the digestion of both types of carbohydrates provide us with glucose. Whenever , but the intake of slowly absorb carbohydrates is recommending because the first, after their rapid digestion. Easily generate glucose in the blood and stimulate the secretion of insulin, which is converting directly into fat in the liver and in our tissues and increases appetite.

Fats: They are the main source of long-term reserve energy and are responsible for and carriers of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), being essential for the correct functioning of the immune system, the hormonal system and the nervous system.

We differentiate between two types, saturated fats found in land animals and any of their derivatives, and unsaturated fats , found in oily fish that also contain the essential oil Omega-3. We can also find unsaturated fats in nuts, seeds, cereal germs and any product rich in Omega-6 essential oils. Although these products are considered good for the heart, nervous and circulatory systems, they should be consumed in moderation.


They are the nutrients responsible for creating and maintaining the skeletal muscle structure, internal organs, hair and nails. They are found in eggs, meat, fish, legumes, cereals and some vegetables.


Those that do not provide calories or energy by themselves have specific functions in the body.  As catalysts for chemical reactions essential for metabolism. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and need fat to get from the intestine to the bloodstream.


They are non-organic compounds found in soil, water and rocks and are very important for the functioning of our body. They act as catalysts and regulators of muscle contractions and the transmission of nerve impulses, they also participate in the digestion and metabolization of food.

Iron is necessary for the transport of oxygen and for the process of cellular respiration. It is there in meat, fish, eggs and foods of non-animal origin . (lentils, chickpeas and spinach, although it is a low-absorption iron). However, to have an adequate absorption of iron, we must have a supply of vitamin C.

Zinc: It is responsible for maintaining and regulating body systems and participates .Whenever ,more than 200 chemical reactions at the cellular level.  However, it is a mineral that is very present in many foods, meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, asparagus, figs, celery, potatoes. It is a very important mineral for the good condition of the hair.

Copper: Gives flexibility to the blood vessels so that the blood circulates better. However ,we can find this mineral in cocoa, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, liver and shellfish.

Magnesium: It is important in the metabolism of proteins. and we can find it in fruits (banana and avocado), legumes, nuts, whole grains and vegetables.  Whenever, it has an intimate relationship with the muscles, it regulates adrenal function, PH levels and stress.

Calcium: It is related to magnesium, and its main function is structural in our body, giving good condition to bones and teeth. However, to have a good absorption of calcium, we need a good supply of vitamin D. That we can obtain from sunlight or from foods such as egg yolks or dairy products.


Nutrient is the science that studies all those processes by which the body receives, uses, transforms and eliminates the nutritional substances found in food.

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